Makemoney Knotwork: Horizon: Assets: HZUFC

Here we provide a little bit of documentation about the asset HZUFC that is implemented on the Horizon platform (as asset ID 3151584784018600964).

HZUFC represents United Federation Credits (UFC), one of the so-called Sci-Fi themed coins, as implemented on the Horizon platform.

The currency consists of I'm not sure how many coins. Unfortunately we were technically unable to create it as a currency on Horizon so had to create it as an asset. The issuing account created 100,000,000 so that if up to that many of the coins get transfered to the Horizon platform the platform is ready to handle them all. However, any that remain in the issuing account are taken as not having been issued on the Horizon platform.

Any UFC that have been issued to the Horizon platform are transfered out of the issuing account, so that the amount by which the issuing account is short of 100,000,000 is the number of UFC that has actually been issued onto the Horizon platform.

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